Logo for Natalia Buchanan, LPC with illustration of books.
Natalia Buchanan sits on an orange velvet couch, legs crossed, smiling at the camera

Hope for People Who Struggle With Food Addiction or Emotional Overeating

Does this sound like you?

  • You find yourself eating when you're not really hungry.

  • You use food as a source of comfort when you're feeling sad, anxious, or bored.

  • You’re tired of constantly being on a diet, losing a little weight, and then gaining it right back (and sometimes more).

  • You feel hopeless that you’ll never lose the weight.

I believe that recovery from disordered eating and chronic diet cycling is possible!


Specialized Emotional Eating Therapy

individual in-person therapy

I believe that recovery from disordered eating is possible.  I want to help you on this journey. I treat the full spectrum of eating disorders: Anorexia, Binge Eating Disorder, Body Image Concerns, Bulimia, Chewing and Spitting Disorder, Emotional Eating, and Food Addiction

My one on one sessions are 50 minutes in length.  Normally, when I start out working with a new person, we will meet weekly in the beginning.  Then as time goes on and you improve, it will feel natural taper off to to every other week and then eventually coming on a monthly or as-needed basis will be what you need to maintain your recovery.

online therapy

For some people, they want try therapy but they simply don’t have the time.  Thinking about scheduling an appointment, taking time off work and then driving there in traffic seems like too big of a hassle.  Or maybe you live in an area (in Texas) where there just aren’t many therapists?  Enter the option of online therapy!  

The way I conduct online therapy is much like therapy that happens in my office.   I see clients who are Texas residents and international clients on video everyday.  We would schedule a 50 minute appointment and meet online through a secure service instead of meeting face to face.  It’s surprising how easily therapy translates through a computer screen, and it’s so effective!  If you’re ready to give it a try or simply have more questions, please feel free to contact me.

Natalia Gian, blurred in the background, holds up books about how to care for your body, and how the body is affected by trauma


Food Addiction Treatment

Breaking food addiction and emotional eating habits can be as challenging as recovering from most drug addictions. However, unlike illicit drugs and alcohol, we need food to survive. And, food is everywhere in our society. It’s in commercials between segments for cooking shows. It’s on the signage along the streets we drive to get to work every day. It’s even in the air emanating from the cafes and restaurants that line the sidewalks we have to travel. From the fatty fast foods cooked to order to the sugar glazed confections and candy bars in the checkout line—we are constantly immersed in and surrounded by food.

Learn More about Food Addiction

Emotional Eating Treatment

We are a society built around consumption, and food is no exception. It’s not surprising that everyone, to some extent, eats emotionally or for reasons other than hunger. We eat to celebrate, grieve, relieve stress, congratulate or console. We eat to socialize, conduct business, pass the time or simply because everyone else is—even if we haven’t the appetite.

The trouble is, even though food can provide relief and pleasure, your mind can have a hard time identifying food for what it really is—nourishment. That’s why, for some people, eating can become an addiction, just like an addiction to drugs, alcohol or other harmful behaviors. But, unlike drugs and alcohol, food is necessary for survival. And, even though our society can be judgmental of an individual’s eating habits, food does not carry the same social taboo—or legal consequences—as other substances or behaviors.

Learn More about Emotional Eating Treatment

Get in Touch!

Schedule a free 1:1 consultation call with me to discuss your needs.

Natalia sits on an orange velvet couch, holding up a journal she is looking at that has a black yogi on the front in prayer pose


A photo of the side table in Natalia's office with a vase of dried feathery plants, a clock, a lit tea candle, and a yoga card teaching 4-7-8 Breathing in a stand facing the camera

Counseling can help.
Drop me a line to find out more.